Selección de respuesta Pregunta 13) Consider the following expression commonly used in specialized call centers. FCR (First Call Resolution): FCR is a metric that measures the percentage of customer issues resolved during the first contact with the contact center, without the need for further follow-up or escalation. When two call center agents talk about FCR, they are talking about the Respuestas Opción 1 A) calls first answered by each agent Opción 2 B) cases resolved with just one single call Opción 3 C) fastest customer agent in the group Opción 4 D) first of several trials to help a customer Retroalimentación Incorrecto Opción correcta Incorrecto Incorrecto Solución Incorrecto (Retroalimentación) Opción correcta (Retroalimentación) Incorrecto (Retroalimentación) Incorrecto (Retroalimentación)